Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Determiners

‡hme kã Noun Gi wbw`©óZv, Awbw`©óZv ev mvwe©KZv  wb‡`©k K‡i (mark nouns) Zv‡`i‡K Determiner ejv nq| wb‡Pi D`vniY¸‡jv †`Lv hvK|
The man seen in the picture is known to me.
The kãwU man (noun) kãwU‡K wbw`©óiƒ‡c ev we‡klfv‡e (specifically) wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|
I don't want to go to that movie.
that kãwU movie (noun) kãwU‡K wbw`©óiƒ‡c ev we‡klfv‡e (specifically) wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|  
I have a book.
a  kãwU book (noun) kãwU‡K mvaviYfv‡e (generally) wb‡`©k Ki‡Q|  
ev‡K¨ `vMvw¼Z k㸇jv Determiner| myZivs, ejv hvq Determiner nj Ggb GKwU kã hv †Kvb Noun ev Noun mgRvZxq k‡ãi c~‡e© e‡m Ges Noun/ NP wU wbw`©ó bv mvaviY Zv wb‡`©k K‡i| †Lqvj Kiæb Determiner kãwUi A_© nj kbv³ Kiv| ZvB Determiner nj mbv³Kvix ev wb‡`©kK hv Noun ev Noun Phrase Gi mvaviYZ¡ ev we‡klZ¡ kbv³ K‡i|
I. Types of Determiners:
Determiner `yÕ ai‡bi n‡Z cv‡i| h_v:
1. Specifying determiners
2. Generalizing determiners
Specifying Determiners
The definite article
My, our, your, his, her, their, its, whose
This, that, these, those
Which, what, whose  
‡Kvb Noun Gi c~‡e© Specifying Determiners Avgiv ZLbB e¨envi Kwi hLb Avgiv g‡b Kwi †kªvZv D³ noun/welqwUi mv‡_ mivmwi hy³/ ÁvZ (involved/associated)| ‡hgb:  
Can you pass him the attendance sheet?
‡Kvb attendance sheet †m wel‡q †kÖvZv ÁvZ|
Look at this Grammar Book.
‡Kvb Grammar Book †m wel‡q †kÖvZv ÁvZ|
Thank you very much for your presence here.
hvi m¤^‡Ü ejv n‡”Q †m wel‡q †kÖvZv ÁvZ|
Generalizing determiners
Indefinite articles
a, an
a few, a little, much, many, a lot of, most, some, any, enough
all, both, half, either, neither, each, every
Difference words
other, another
such, what, rather, quite
‡Kvb Noun Gi c~‡e© Generalizing Determiners ‡hgb: A, an, any, another, other, what Avgiv ZLbB e¨envi Kwi hLb Avgiv g‡b Kwi †kªvZv D³ noun/welqwUi mv‡_ mivmwi hy³/ ÁvZ (involved/associated) bq| ‡hgb:   
A man was crossing the road.
‡Kvb man †m wel‡q †kÖvZv ÁvZ bq|  
You can choose any book.
‡Kvb book †m wel‡q †kÖvZv ÁvZ bq|  
Determiners msµvšÍ KwZcq ÁvZe¨ welqvewj:
Noun phrase Gi ïiæ‡ZB Determiner e‡m|
Singular noun Gi c~‡e© Determiner e‡m|
mvwe©KZv ev mvaviYZ¡ eySv‡Z Plural noun Gi c~‡e© Determiner emv‡Z nq bv|
Awbw`©óZv eySv‡Z Singular Count Noun Gi c~‡e© A/ an (‡hiƒc cÖ‡hvR¨) e‡m|
wbw`©óZv eySv‡Z Singular Noun Gi c~‡e© The, this, that, my, our, your, his, her, their, its, whose  e‡m|
wbw`©óZv eySv‡Z Plural noun Gi c~‡e©  The,  these, those, My, our, your, his, her, their, its, whose  e‡m|
II. The Uses/functions of Determiners:
ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ Noun/Noun Phrase specific bv unspecific †m m¤^‡Ü aviYv cÖ`vb KivB Determiner Gi cÖavb KvR| ZvQvov ev‡K¨ e¨eüZ we‡kl¨ c`mg~‡ni g‡a¨ cv_©K¨ wb‡`©k KivI Determiner Gi KvR|
(a) Determiner wn‡m‡e ‘The’ Gi e¨envi I kZ©vejx:
Ggb e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z hv B‡Zvg‡a¨ D‡jøL Kiv n‡q‡Q;
I saw a pretty girl at the mall today. The pretty girl did not, however, see me.
hLb Av‡jvP¨ welq m¤^‡Ü e³v I †kÖvZv DfqB AeMZ _v‡Kb;
Can you pass him the attendance sheet?
Abb¨ (unique) †Kvb e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z;
the sun, the moon, the Earth, the Taj Mahal.
Superlative degree Gi mv‡_;
Mt Everest is the tallest mountain on earth.
Ordinal number (‡hgb first, second, etc.) Gi c~‡e;©  
Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon.
gbyl¨ RvwZ, †fŠ‡MvwjK GjvKv, gnvmvMi, `kK, eQ‡ii mgwóevPK kã eySv‡Z|
the Americans, the Sahara/Pacific, the fifties/sixties/seventies/eighties.
(b) Determiner wn‡m‡e ‘a/an’ Gi e¨envi I kZ©vejx:
wbw`©ó †kÖwY, `j ev †Mvôxi †Kvb m`m¨‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z;
a doctor, an Indian, a muslim, an English man
 †Kvb wKQzi aib/iKg ev D`vniY eySv‡Z;
a large nose, a strange aunt
What a/such a + singular noun;
What a car!, such a shame!
‘on[1]e’  A‡_©;
The thieves stole a necklace and a portrait.
cÖ_gev‡ii gZ D‡jøL Kiv n‡”Q Ggb e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡Z|
There was a chill in the air.
GKK cwigvY wb‡`©k Ki‡Z|
a hundred, a thousand, a million, etc.
(c) Determiner wn‡m‡e ‘Quantifiers Gi e¨envi I kZ©vejx:
quantity (cwigvY) eY©bv Ki‡Z e¨envi Kiv nq|
attitude (`„wófw½) cÖKvk Ki‡Z e¨envi Kiv nq|
Plural Quantifiers
How many Gi DËi †`q|
Singular Quantifiers
How much Gi DËi †`q|

Enough + singular non-count noun
I have enough money.
Enough + plural count noun
Have I made enough sandwiches?
Much + singular non-count noun
How much money have you got?
Many + plural count noun
It happened many years ago.
Many a + singular noun
Many a flower is born to blush unseen.
Little + singular non-count noun
They had little money to spend. (not much/almost nothing)
A little + singular non-count noun
She saves a little money every month. (some, a small amount)
Few + plural count noun
She had few moments on her own. (not many/almost none)
A Few + plural count noun
There were a few animals in the barn. (some, a small number)
Any + singular non-count noun
He hasn’t got any money.
Any + singular count noun
It’s a puzzle that any intelligent child could solve.
Any + plural count noun
Are there any biscuits left?
Some + singular non-count noun
I’ll make some coffee.
Some + singular count noun
She married some guy she met on the boat.
Some + plural count noun
She brought me some flowers.
Most + plural count noun
Most shops are closed over the Corona holiday.
A lot of + singular non-count noun
We need a lot of money to implement the project.
A lot of + plural count noun
Are there a lot of good players at your tennis club?
a good​/​great deal of + singular non-count noun
A great deal of research has been done already.
Less + singular non-count noun
We must try to spend less money.
More + singular non-count noun
Add some more cream to the sauce.
More + plural count noun
More people live in the capital than in the whole of the rest of the country.
Every + singular count noun
I've been out every night this week.
(d) Determiner wn‡m‡e ‘Demonstratives’ Gi e¨envi I kZ©vejx:
This + singular count noun
Can you sign this form here for me?
These + plural count noun
Can I help you with those bags?
That + singular count noun
I've never liked that cousin of hers.
Those + plural count noun
Don't keep all those chocolates to yourself - pass them around.
(e) Determiner wn‡m‡e ‘Distributives’ Gi e¨envi I kZ©vejx:  
All + singular non-count noun
They had given up all hope.
All + plural count noun
All children deserve encouragement.
Half + a + msL¨v wb‡`©kK we‡kl¨ c`
We live half a mile up the road.
Both + plural count noun
Both children are at school.
Either + singular count noun
Personally, I don’t like either jacket.
Nei[2]ther + singular count noun
Neither parent came to meet the teacher. (The mother didn’t come and the father didn’t come.)
Each + singular count noun
We spent five days on the coast and each day we swam in the ocean.
Determiners + Singular Count Nouns: A, an, another, each, either, neither, one ïay Singular Count Noun Gi mv‡_B e¨eüZ nq| ‡hgb:    
An apple every day keeps the doctor away.
An + Singular Count Noun
A dog is a good pet.
A+ Singular Count Noun
May I show you another item?
Another + Singular Count Noun
Each person was awarded a fountain pen.
Each + Singular Count Noun
Either John or Brown is responsible.
Either + Singular Count Noun
Neither John or Brown is responsible.
Neither + Singular Count Noun

[1] †Kvb wKQzi Dci †Rvi w`‡q ej‡Z PvB‡j a Gi cwie‡Z© one e‡m| †hgb: There is only one way out of this mess.
[2] GKB mv‡_ `yÕRb e¨w³ ev `ywU e¯‘ m¤^‡Ü †bwZevPK Dw³ Ki‡Z Avgiv Neither e¨envi Kwi|

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