Monday, March 30, 2020

৩৮তম বিসিএস ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের প্রশ্নের ব্যাথ্যাসহ সমাধান

38th BCS

1. Which period is known as ‘The golden age of English literature’?

A. The Victorian age       
Ans: B
B. The Elizabethan age
C. The Restoration age   
D. The Eighteenth century 

A. The Victorian age — wf±ixq hyM‡K (1832-1900) cÖvqk mskq I nZvkvi hyM (age of doubt and pessimism) wn‡m‡e AwfwnZ Kiv nq|
B. The Elizabethan age — GwjRv‡e_xq hy‡M (1558-1603) mvwnZ¨K‡g©i e¨vcK cÖmvi jÿ¨ Kiv hvq| G mgq A‡bK cwÛZ †jLK †hgb: William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, Francis Bacon, Ben Jonson cÖg~‡Li Avwef©ve N‡U| Gme †jL‡Ki AvMg‡b Bsj¨vÛ ÔNest of Signing Birds’ bv‡g cwiwPwZ cvq| GwjRv‡e_xq hyM ‰eÁvwbK M‡elYv I †fŠ‡MvwjK cwiåg‡Yi Rb¨I mwe‡kl D‡jøL‡hvM¨| G mgq Av‡gwiKvi fvwR©wbqv GjvKvwU Avwe®‹…Z nq hvi bvgKiY Kiv nq fvwR©b KzBb GwjRv‡e‡_i bvgvbymv‡i| myZivs, A‡cÿvK…Z w¯’wZkxj GwjRv‡e_xq hyM wkí, mvwnZ¨, mvs¯‹…wZ, Av_©-mvgvwRK I ag©xq †ÿ‡Î ÔGolden Period’ bv‡g cwiwPwZ cvq| 
C. The Restoration age — G hy‡Mi (1660-1700) mvwn‡Z¨i cÖavb ˆewkó¨ nj my¯úó, h_v_© I mswÿß evK¨ MVb (clear, concise and precise sentences)| G hy‡M KíbvcÖm~Z †jLbxi Dci AeÁvm~PK `„wó †`Iqv nq| g~jZ G hy‡Mi †jLvi aib wQj ev¯Íem¤§Z, AvbyôvwbK I iæwPkxj (formal and elegant)| John Milton I John Dryden- G hy‡Mi cÖL¨vZ †jLK|
D. The Eighteenth century — Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨ Aóv`k kZvãx nj Av‡jvKvq‡bi hyM (the Age of Enlightenment)| G hy‡M AvaywbK Dcb¨v‡mi weKvk N‡U|
2. Jacobean period in English literature refers to —
A. 1558-1603             
Ans: C
B. 1625-1649
C. 1603-1625             
D. 1649-1660

A. 1558-1603 — The Elizabethan period
B. 1625-1649 — Caroline age/Late Renaissance period
C. 1603-1625 —  Jacobean age
D. 1649-1660 —   Commonwealth period
3. Where did the following lines occur in?
  “Alone, alone, all, all alone,
  Alone on a wide, wide sea……”
Ans: A
A. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner       
B. Kubla Khan
C. The Nightingale                                  
D. The Dungeon               
A. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (quotes) — Coleridge 
(i) “Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.”
(ii) “He prayeth best, who loveth best.”
(iii) “Alone, alone, all, all alone,
Alone on a wide wide sea!”
B.  Kubla Khan (quotes)
— Coleridge
(i) “Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.”
(ii) “For he on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk of Paradise.”
C. The Nightingale  (quotes)
— Coleridge  
(i)  “Most musical, most melancholy’ bird!
A melancholy bird! Oh! idle thought!”
D. The Dungeon (quotes)
 — Coleridge      
(i) “O Nature!
Healest thy wandering and distempered child:
Thou pourest on him thy soft influences.”
Ans: D
4.  “For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love.” This line is written by —
A. Emily Dickinson           
B. T. S. Eliot
C. Matthew Arnold           
D. John Donne
(a) Emily Dickinson         quotes
 (i) “I’m nobody! Who are you?
Are you nobody, too?”
(ii) “There is no frigate like a book
    To take us lands away.”

(b) T. S. Eliot quotes

(i) “In a minute there is time
For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.”
— The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(ii) “April is the cruelest month, breeding
lilacs out of the dead land---”-The Waste Land
(iii) “Humankind cannot bear very much reality.” — Four Quartets
(iv) “--- time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions.”
— The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
(v) This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.” -The Hollow Men
(c) Matthew Arnold
(i) “The sea is calm tonight.
The tide is full, the moon lies fair
Upon the straits.” — Dover Beach
(ii) “Wandering between two worlds, one dead
The other powerless to be born.”
(iii) “Poetry is a criticism of life.”

(d) John Donne quotes
(i) “Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.”
— The Sun Rising
(ii) “Death be not proud, though some have called thee Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so.”
— Death be not Proud
(iii) “For God’s sake hold your tongue, and let me love.” — The Canonization 
5. Who is the author of ‘Man and Superman’?
A. G. B. Shaw                
Ans: A
B. Thomas Hardy
C. Ernest Hemingway   
D. Charles Dickens
(a) G. B. Shaw — AvaywbK Bs‡iwR mvwn‡Z¨i RbK e‡j L¨vZ|            

·      Man and Superman
·      Arms and the Man
·      Caesar and Cleopatra 
·      You Never Can Tell
·      Candida Zuvi D‡jøL‡hvM¨ bvUK|
(b) Thomas Hardy — an English novelist and poet.

His novels include:
§  Far from the Madding Crowd
§  The Mayor of Casterbridge
§  Tess of the d’Urbervilles
§  Jude the Obscure
(c) Ernest Hemingway — an American novelist and journalist.

His works include:
·      The Sun Also Rises
·      Indian Camp (short story)
·      A Farewell to Arms
·      For Whom the Bell Tolls
·      The Old Man and the Sea
·      Cats in the Rain (short story)
(d) Charles Dickens — an English novelist and social critic. He was the greatest novelist of the Victorian period (1832-1900).
His works include:
§ Great Expectations
§  Bleak House
§  David Copperfield
§  Oliver Twist
§  Our Mutual Friend
§ A Tale of Two Cities
§  A Christmas Carol
§  Little Dorrit
§  The Chimes
§ The Cricket on the Hearth
§ The Battle of Life
§  Dombey and Son
§ Hard Times
6. The most famous satirist in English literature is—
A. Jonathan Swift        
Ans: A
B. Alexander Pope
C. Joseph Addison      
D. Richard Steele
A. Jonathan Swift — wZwb Zuvi e¨½iPbvi (master of satire) Rb¨ mycwiwPZ| The Gulliver’s Travels - Zuvi weL¨vZ e¨½iPbv| 
B. Alexander Pope — wZwb e¨½vZ¥K †jLvi (satirical verse) Rb¨ cwiwPZ| wZwb †nvgv‡ii Abyev`Kvix wn‡m‡eI L¨vZ n‡q Av‡Qb| Zuvi KweZvq Heroic Couplet- Gi cÖvPzh© jÿ¨ Kiv hvq| wZwb we‡klZ Zuvi Mock-heroic epic ‘The Rape of the Lock’- Gi Rb¨ weL¨vZ|   
C. Joseph Addison — Bs‡iR Kwe, cÖvewÜK, bvU¨Kvi I ivRbxwZwe`| wZwb I Zuvi  eÜz Richard Steel  ÔThe Spectator  g¨vMvwRb cÖwZôv K‡ib|  
D. Richard Steele —  AvBwik †jLK, bvU¨Kvi I ivRbxwZwe`| wZwb Zuvi  eÜz Joseph Addison - Gi mv‡_ ÔThe Spectator  g¨vMvwRb cÖwZôv K‡ib|   
7. Of the following authors, who wrote an epic?
A. John Milton             
Ans: A
B. Jane Mansfield
C. William Cowper     
D. William Shakespeare
(a) John Milton —  cÖL¨vZ Kwe, ZvwK©K (polemicist) I  Bs‡iR kvmK Iwjfvi µgI‡q‡ji Kg©KZ©v| Paradise Lost I Paradise Regained Zuvi `ywU weL¨vZ gnvKve¨|                                                                 
(b) Jane Mansfield —
(c) William Cowper —  cÖL¨vZ weªwUk Kwe I ag©xq msMxZ iPwqZv| Zuvi mgqKvj wQj AMv÷vb I †ivgvw›UK hy‡Mi gvSvgvwS|  wZwb †ivgvw›UwmR‡gi Ab¨Zg AMÖ`~Z|
(d) William Shakespeare — g~jZ bvU¨Kvi I m‡bU iPwqZv| wZwb †Kvb gnvKve¨ iPbv K‡ibwb|  
8. The literary term ‘euphemism’ means —
A. vague idea           
Ans: B
B. inoffensive expression
C. a sonnet              
D. wise saying
(a) vague idea —  A¯úó avibv |
(b) inoffensive expression — myfvlY| Am‡šÍvlRbK K_v m‡šÍvlRbKfv‡e ejv|
(c) a sonnet — PZz`©kc`x KweZv|
(d) wise saying — cÖv‡Ávw³/ cÖev` cÖZxg Dw³|
9. Who is not a Victorian poet?
A. Matthew Arnold       
Ans: B
B. Alexander Pope
C. Robert Browning     
D. Alfred Tennyson
wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi e¨vßx 1832 mvj n‡Z 1900 mvj ch©šÍ |

(a) Matthew Arnold —  Gi mgqKvj nj 1822-1888|  wZwb  wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi Kwe|
(b) Alexander Pope — Gi mgqKvj nj 1688-1744|  wZwb  AMv÷vb hy‡Mi Kwe|
(c) Robert Browning — Gi mgqKvj nj 1812-1889|  wZwb  wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi Kwe|
(d) Alfred Tennyson — Gi mgqKvj nj 1809-1892|  wZwb  wf‡±vwiqvb hy‡Mi Kwe|

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